Sunday, May 6, 2012

Happy Memories

Someone suggested to my mom that she start a Happy Memories Journal.

We started two weeks ago week, and since then my mom's motto has been "Think about the happy memories."

It's amazing to see her face light up when she talks about all the embarrassing things I did as a baby (though I turn bright red). She gets excited with all the happiness that instantly comes back to her. She says, "It's amazing how one happy memory just leads to another happy memory and then another."

And she's absolutely right. Every time I visit her now, we sit and chat, and I just write a list of all the stories she's telling. It's really nice. People have been telling me throughout this whole experience to make my time with my mom count, and I never knew how. Every time I left my parents' house, I always felt like my visit wasn't memorable, that I hadn't spent quality time with my mom. I was always leaving their house worried that I would just feel guilty after she died.

But since we've started the Happy Memories journal, I always leave feeling really satisfied. I don't feel guilty anymore. I feel like I'm doing something right. I feel like this journal is going to help all of us to enjoy our time together (instead of just sitting in front of the TV awkwardly like we normally do). And it will give us something in writing to keep after my mom is gone. And I think that is very important.

I've also decided to start my own Happy Memories Journal of times I've spent with my mom, both before and after the diagnosis. And I'd have to say, it's probably one of the best decision I've ever made. At first I tried to sit down and just write about happy memories. But I've found that it's easier for me to just go about my daily life, and when something reminds me of a memory with my mom, I go to my journal and write it down.

Some of the pages (especially the ones about times before the diagnosis) are stained with tears. But it's just a reminder of how much I really love my mom.

So to everyone reading this: I highly suggest starting your own Happy Memories Journal. I promise it's really very easy. And it will make you feel so good!

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