Friday, June 8, 2012

Can You "Guess Who?"

*This blogpost will only make sense if you know how to play the children's game "Guess Who"*

Visited my mom at the hospital today. I brought her that kids' game "Guess Who" because I thought it would be a good way to work on her speech (she has trouble speaking loudly and clearly). But it didn't go as well as planned.

When I showed her the game, she started talking about how when she first bought the game for me, I was only five years old and too young to understand the concepts of "process of elimination" or that I had to eliminate the opposite of the question I asked.

But when we started playing, she just couldn't do it. She kept asking questions that were true about her own person (the person I was trying to figure out). She asked me if my person was a woman. I said yes. Then she asked me if my person was bald... I said no and tried to tell her that she would only be looking at the women. Then she asked me if my person had a mustache. At that point, I knew this was not worth continuing.

She also likes to fiddle with things with her right hand (because she can't move her left hand), so she just was constantly knocking tiles over that she wasn't supposed to and I'd have to rush to fix them. We only got through one game because my aunt had to tell her what questions to ask me.

It was so strange to watch. She obviously understood the rules of the game, but when it came time to actually play the game, her brain just couldn't handle it. She must have been playing the game just as I did when we first bought it fifteen years ago.

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